- Execute the [Replace WIPER] menu and replace the wiper and wiper absorbent.
Please refer here for the procedures.
The wiper and wiper absorber are consumables.
Please refer to the followings for information about consumables.
Supply page of UJF-6042MkII
Supply page of UJF-3042MkII EX
Supply page of UJF-3042MkII

*1: The part with the blue rubber is referred to as the "wiper".
The wiper is typically stored in the back, but it moves forward when you execute the
[Replace WIPER] menu.
*2: The white absorbent is referred to as the "wiper absorber".
Normally, the wiper absorbent is stored in the holder, and you need to pull it forward for replacement.
(The photo shows it in the pulled-forward position.)