
RasterLinkTools for Illustrator V1.18.0 (macOS 10.15–macOS 14)

Tipo Software
Versão 1.18.0
Data de lançamento 31/07/2024
Sistemas operacionais suportados macOS 10.15.x
macOS 11.x
macOS 12.x
macOS 13.x
macOS 14.x
RasterLink6Plus, RasterLink7
Adobe Illustrator CC2019/2020/2021/2022/2023/2024 English/German/French/Italian/Spanish/Russian/Simplified Chinese/Traditional Chinese

About this Upgrade software

  • When installation of RasterLinkTools in macOS 10.14 or later is failed, please refer to here to take measures.

About installer and others

  • RasterLinkTools does not work properly with Illustrator 2021 Ver25.0 to Ver25.2.0.
    Please use Illustrator 2021 Ver25.2.1 or later.

The following functions have been change

[Ver1.17.0 -> Ver1.18.0]

  1. The following bugs were fixed.
    • When an open path exists in a color image for printing Braille, part of the color image is not printed.

[Ver1.16.0 -> Ver1.17.0]

  1. Kebab - Processing for tapered shape function is supported.
  2. macOS 14(Sonoma) is now supported.
  3. Illustrator 2024 is now supported.

[Ver1.15.0 -> Ver1.16.0]

  1. "High-speed Mode" and "Standard Mode" have been added in the Braille printing function.
    Refer to the High-speed Braille Print Guide for details.

[Ver1.13.0 -> Ver1.15.0]

  1. Watermark Print function is now supported.
    Refer to the MultiLayer Printing Guide for details.

[Ver1.11.0 -> Ver1.13.0]

  1. macOS 13(Ventura) is now supported.
  2. Illustrator 2023 is now supported.
  3. The following bugs were fixed.
    • When outputting PDF from multilayer printing fuction, operation may not be executed normally.

[Ver1.10.0 -> Ver1.11.0]

  1. The thickness specification of 2.5D Texture Maker function has changed from [Layers] to [Level].
  2. Illustrator 2022 is now supported.
  3. macOS 12(Monterey) is now supported.
  4. Illustrator which supports native support to Apple Silicon is supported.
    RasterLinkTools for Illustrator Ver1.11.0 is supported only in the following System requirements.
    Chip Intel Apple Silicon M1
    Illustrator (Ver25.3 or later) Running mode - Rosetta Native
    macOS Appearance Light Dark Light Dark Light Dark
    RasterLinkTools Ver1.9.0 × × × × × ×
    RasterLinkTools Ver1.10.0 × × × ×
    RasterLinkTools Ver1.11.0

[Ver1.9.0 -> Ver1.10.0]

  1. Illustrator 2021 (Ver25.3) is supported.
    RasterLinkTools for Illustrator Ver1.10.0 is supported only in the following System requirements.
    Chip Intel Apple Silicon M1
    Illustrator (Ver25.3 or later) Running mode - Rosetta Native
    macOS Appearance Light Dark Light Dark Light Dark
    RasterLinkTools Ver1.9.0 × × × × × ×
    RasterLinkTools Ver1.10.0 × × × ×

[Ver1.8.0 -> Ver1.9.0]

  1. macOS 11(Big Sur) is now supported.
  2. Illustrator 2021 is now supported.
  3. The following bugs were fixed.
    • Fixed a bug in which [LineEdit] Tool icon was not displayed in Illustrator 2020.
    • Illustrator may crash when using [LineEdit] tool has been fixed.

[Ver1.7.1 -> Ver1.8.0]

  1. The following bugs were fixed.
    • Multilayer Printing dialog does not display.
    • The new information of RasterLinkTools cannot be acquired through the online information.

[Ver1.7.0 -> Ver1.7.1]

  1. Illustrator 2020 is now supported.
  2. Setting names of 2.5D Texture Maker have been revised .

[Ver1.6.2 -> Ver1.7.0]

  1. High speed mode is now supported in 2.5D Texture Maker function.

[Ver1.6.1 -> Ver1.6.2]

  1. macOS 10.15 (Catalina) is now supported.

[Ver1.6.0 -> Ver1.6.1]

  1. Illustrator CC2019 is now supported.

[Ver1.5.3 -> Ver1.6.0]

  1. 2.5D Texture Maker function is now supported.

[Ver1.5.2 -> Ver1.5.3]

  1. ADA is added to Braille printing output format.
    Braille format can be selected from JIS / ADA.

[Ver1.5.0 -> Ver1.5.2]

  1. Illustrator CC2018 is now supported.

[Ver1.4.2 -> Ver1.5.0]

  1. Multilayer printing function is now supported.
  2. Braille printing function is now supported.

     See the RasterLink6Plus manual for details.

[Ver1.4.1 -> Ver1.4.2]

  1. Illustrator CC2017 is now supported.

[Ver1.4.0 -> Ver1.4.1]

  1. Illustrator CC2015.3 is now supported.

[Ver1.3.1 -> Ver1.4.0]

  1. Illustrator CC2015 is now supported.

[Ver1.3 -> Ver1.3.1]

  1. Special Color Layer
    A special color gradation is supported.
  2. The following bugs were fixed.
    • 2 of "RasterLink" were displayed at Adobe Illustrator's [File] menu
    • If both of Illustrator CC and Illustrator CC 2015 have installed, RasterLinkTools cannnot installed on Illustrator CC.

[Ver1.2 -> Ver1.3]
- Newly functions -

  1. Print Special Color Layer is supported.(Illustrator CS or later)
    Perform [Output to RasterLink] for data that replaces the colors of the libraries shown below provided by Mimaki to automatically create a special color plate when reading into RasterLink6.
    • MIMAKI RasterLink Library
    • MIMAKI SS21 Metallic Color Library
    • MIMAKI SS21 Metallic Orange Color Library

About manuals

Download from here.


Procedimentos para download

Leia o "Contrato de Licença de Software"

Contrato de Licença de Software antes de realizar o download

Ao instalar o software, você concorda com o contrato.

Artigo 1° - Definições
  1. "Software" significa o computador com o programa fornecidos em acordo.
  2. Dados relacionados significa que os dados de texto impressos fornecidos com este software ou dados impressos que podemos fornecer posteriormente.
  3. Este software significa que os dados relacionados e a cópia deste software que nós fornecemos para você.
Artigo 2° - Restrições
  1. De acordo com o contrato, este software não pode ser copiado
  2. Não poderá fazer engenharia reversa ou tentar extrair o código fonte desse software, exceto nos casos em que a legislação proibir tais restrições, ou quando você tiver nossa permissão por escrito.
  3. Você não poderá copiar, modificar, distribuir, vender ou alugar qualquer parte de nossos Serviços ou o software incluso.
  4. Este software não pode ser transferido ou licenciado a terceiros, ou comprados como bens de segunda mão.
Artigo 3° - Limitação da Garantia
  1. Não é garantido que as funções contidas neste termo de software se adequa exatamente as expectativas do cliente.
  2. Este software, deve ser selecionado e introduzido sob total responsabilidade do cliente: qualquer dano causado na instalação no disco rígido, não será coberto.
  3. Nós não temos nenhuma responsabilidade por quaisquer resultados do uso deste software (incluindo a perda de ganhos ou lucros).
Artigo 4° - Período de vigência
  1. O período de validade deste acordo, inicia-se após a instalação.
  2. Quando o usuário decidir não usar mais este software, o acordo é cancelado automaticamente.
  3. Este contrato é rescindido imediatamente, sem nosso aviso, se o cliente não seguir qualquer cláusula deste contrato. Se o contrato for interrompido, o software deverá ser cancelado.
Download rltoolsai1180iugm1015.dmg(72.29MB)

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